Marian Media Ministry U.S.A

Our Mission

The Mission of Marian Media Ministry is the  spiritual growth and formation of a  Christian community through retreats, conferences, and ministry to parishes.

Our mission is to mobilize the global Catholic Church to transform the poor and their communities materially and spiritually for the glory of Jesus Christ. Your gift empowers us to serve the poorest of the poor by channeling life-changing aid through an international network of dioceses, parishes, and Catholic missionaries. This cost-effective approach helps break the cycle of poverty and advance Catholic evangelization.


Our Vision:

As a nonprofit Catholic Charity, Marian Ministry is reaches out to those who have been neglected and gone astray. We commit ourselves to address barriers and obstacles. With joy, we resolve to build bridges of hope, mercy, and justice through Christian principles. Marian Media Ministry is an international nonprofit founded by lay Catholics grounded in the Gospel call to put the needs of the downgraded and vulnerable first. Working side by side with people of diverse backgrounds, we bring people together to challenge adversity in new and innovative ways. We inspire confidence and offer faith and hope to children and families living on the margins of society. We create opportunities for faith and human connections that uplift us all. Marian Media Ministry is a lay Catholic organization working with persons of all faith traditions to create a worldwide community of compassion and service. The vision of Marian media Ministry is as follows :

1. Proclaim the gospel to the world using social media platforms
2. Build affordable houses for the homeless
3. Engage the youth through prayer meetings, retreats and
4. Organize groups for faith and communication.

Our Values:

We are grounded in the call to serve the poor.

James 1:27 – Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:

to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Recognizing the image of God in each person is essential to sincere, lasting, loving relationships. Another principle of our founding vision was to prioritize accountability to donors. We wanted to make it possible for donors to connect with religious and lay leaders serving the poor around the world. Hence, from the beginning, we’ve always let donors give to specific needs and specific projects. We’ve also provided them with transperancy on how their contributions have been used, and the impact they have made on the lives of real people.

Our mission is to reach the global Catholic Church to transform the poor and their communities materially and spiritually for the glory of Jesus Christ. Your gift allows us to serve the poorest of the poor by providing life-changing aid through an international network of dioceses, parishes and Catholic missionaries. This approach helps break the cycle of poverty and advance Catholic evangelization.